Pots, Pans & Prophecies


Pots, Pans & Prophecies


Pots, Pans & Prophecies

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A six-week Bible study brought to you by Women's Discipleship Kindle the Power (Author: Rhonda K. Holland)

What if the pots and pans in your kitchen were alive, living beings, each with their own personality? What if they were the ones trying to decide when and for what they would be used and could argue and reason with you about your choices for their use? What if the pots thought they had to plan the meals and purchase the ingredients? If the pots and pans could decide, chances are they would never want a tasteless or bitter or sour ingredient placed in them. It is likely that they would choose only the sweet and tasteful ingredients for themselves!

Just like the pots and pans in our kitchens, as vessels in the Father's house, we do not decide when or for what we are used. We are to trust Him to make those choices and believe Him for the end accomplishments He has promised when we yield ourselves to Him in service. Complete trust requires us to lay aside our logic and reasoning. It is impossible to do that without a very real revelation of Who God is!


Pots, Pans & Prophecies DVD


Ollas Cacerolas y Profecías


Six week women’s study Being Gods “Pots and Pans” for Him to use and trusting Him for Who He is!