An Expectant People

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An Expectant People


An Expectant People

1.0 Series

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An Expectant People /20+ Bks Bundle
Sale Price: $305.10 Original Price: $339.00

This book, An Expectant People, will take you on an incredible journey. The reading of the book unfolds God’s plan from the present to eternity.

You will study:

  • Signs of the times that point to the return of Christ — lawless and false christs, wars and rumors of wars, the nation of Israel, upheavals in nature, false security, and preaching of the gospel.

  • Manifestations accompanying and following Christ’s second coming — Christ’s coming with power and glory, the rapture of the church, the tribulation period, and the marriage supper of the Lamb.

  • Events leading to the ultimate end of human history on earth (life and history as we now know it) and to total renewal of the earth — the judgment of believers, the thousand year reign of Christ on earth, loosing of Satan, the Great White Throne Judgment, the dwelling place of God and His people, the New Jerusalem, final condition and circumstances of the redeemed, and between now and then, the church’s waiting and watching for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • The final outcome of God’s plan is and will be a remarkable blessing and encouragement to God’s people. They will see the Lord come in the air for His people, both the living and the dead. They will witness the union of Christ with His bride (the church), and they will experienced the thousand year reign with Christ on the earth. Finally everything will be made new.  In this new order every trace of sin and its curse will be removed, and in this new order is where all the redeemed will live forever.