A Blessed People

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A Blessed People


Volume 4 | 2.0 Series

A Blessed People — A Pentecostal Study for Living Out the Beatitudes

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When Jesus began His earthly ministry, He announced the arrival of His kingdom; and He revealed the radical nature and character of Kingdom living. As citizens of the Kingdom, Christians are blessed and happy when they live according to the eight teachings of Jesus that we call the Beatitudes. These Kingdom blessings are the key to finding the abundant life that Jesus gives (John 10:10). Through the Beatitudes, Jesus explains that God’s people do not behave like the world, and they do not judge the quality of life according to the standards of the world.

Christians are expected to become disciples of Jesus Christ, which means they embody His character and attributes. This study will challenge all believers to engage in deep self-examination and to refocus on the important goal of following Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2). The Beatitudes point us in the direction of the full and happy life that everyone desires. This study offers practical insight for every Christian who desires a deep and fulfilling relationship with God and healthy relationships with other people.